Thursday, August 28, 2014

Finally got some sleep

     For the first time in a long time I finally got some good sleep.  When I got home yesterday, I went to bed and didn't wake up until this morning.  I was way more tired than I thought I was.  I really enjoyed my sleep and I feel more energized and ready for the day and rest of the week.

Friday, August 22, 2014

New glasses

     After I got off of work I took a couple hours nap and then got up to get ready for my eye doctor appointment.  I went to the eye doctor and found out that I need a new prescription.  I also found out that I need to get new frames too.  I'm getting Ray Ban frames with transition lenses.  I'm excited about getting my new glasses because I got them with my own insurance and I did not have to pay that much out of pocket for them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

TV shows

     I was watching the tv sitcom Mork and Mindy in honor of the death of Robin Williams when I had this occur to me.  Why don't we have anymore shows like this and for that matter cartoons like the cartoons I grew up watching.  I remember growing up and watching the Brady Bunch to 21 Jumpstreet because of the themes behind them.  I also remember getting up early for the Saturday morning cartoons.  I remember watching X-Men and wondering why people would treat other people differently because they weren't normal or watching the Flintstones or the Jetsons and laughing at the funny scenarios they got themselves into.
   I then look at the cartoons that are being made now and wonder where they get the ideas for these shows now.  Some of the cartoons just don't make any sense to me.  Maybe it's just because I'm not up with the times and that is what considered entertainment now.  I guess have cartoons that teach values and lessons are just really nonexistant anymore.  I guess what they say is true that violence sells.  I just feel that the generation now is missing out on some really good cartoons and tv shows that could teach them good morales and how to be a good person.
     I can just hope that this generation will hopefully at some point be able to find these gems that I grew up with enjoy them as much as I did.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Volunteered at Mom's school

   I went to my Mom's school today an volunteered a couple hours.  I did a lot of things for my Mom's class.  I first had to make some copies for her and then I leveled some books for her library.  They have this new leveling system that uses numbers and colors.  For example 3Y stands for 3 Yellow which is a lower level book.  I remember the leveling from the books was like a point system and when you read a book you went to a computer and typed in the book.  The computer looked in the system to see if there is a test for the book and if there is a test you took the test and if you passed the test you got the points for reading the book.
    After volunteering I went to Mom's house to use her washing machine because the one at the place I'm living at isn't working right now.  I enjoyed spending some time with my Mom.

First day of school

Today was the first day of school for not only my mother but also for my fiance too.  My mother is a first grade teacher and she had been busy pretty much all month trying to get her room together and ready for her students.  My mother enjoys being a teacher even though she has had some ups and downs the past couple of years with the new teaching curriculums  they have been implementing over the years.  My fiancee because he has decided to go back to school and pursue the career he has dreamed of doing.  I wish them all the luck I can give and hope they have a wonderful time teaching and learning as the year goes.