Tuesday, September 18, 2018

New Video Of facts about me

I posted a new video on youtube and it is some random facts about me.  Hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Going to day shift

   After being on night shift for 4 months, I will be now going to day shift for 2 months.  Even though I love being on night shift, it will be nice to be on days and have a social life.  So all day today I have been staying up most of the day and getting some stuff done.  I redyed my hair and did laundry and cleaning that I have been meaning to do.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

American Horror Story Season Premiere

     I just watched the premiere of the new season of American Horror Story.  I have to be honest it was not what I was expecting.  This episode I had a hard time concentrating on the story line and it feels like it is starting out really slow.  I'm hoping that it starts picking up soon because I had the same problem watching the coven season. 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Player 1 bar

    Today was a friend's of mine birthday and we all went to Orlando.  The first place we went to was a deep dish pizza place near the bar we were going to.  The food was not the greatest and the service was horrible.  We then went to the Player 1 bar and it was amazing.  The bar was like an old arcade and had old arcade games.  The drinks were named after games or game themed.  I had a drink called the 1 up.  It was mead and 7up that was amazing and I had two of them.  I look forward to going again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Sleepy dog

I am sitting here and I hear my Corgi Zeus barking in his sleep.  I think it is so cute and that his little feet are moving as well.  I wish I could catch him on camera but by the time I have my phone ready he has stopped.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Had fun playing GTA 5

     I finally got to play GTA 5 last night with some friends.  I had a lot of fun and got to learn a little on how the game plays.  I had played the first one and forgot how the controls are.  I look forward to playing again.